8/12/03 -
- Well, it's official...this is the FINAL update. It's hard to say goodbye but it's time. I've taken out the song/video of the week as well as fan art (since no one submitted any...lol!). Unfortunately, the only screensaver left will be the Goo Fans one since my hard drive died and I lost EVERYTHING! Oh well, atleast my Dell warranty covered me. I gained an extra 20 GB (for a total of 80) and not only did I update my system to XP but I got my computer that I built to run Mandrake Linux. Anyway, I want to thank everyone who has supported me, submitted quotes, pics, news, and ideas to the site, and a special thanks to all my loyal visitors who kept coming back. You guys helped make this site what it is! It was a fun three years, maybe I'll see you over at the WOG Message Boards once in awhile. Goodbye!
8/4/03 -
- Man does this ever suck. My Dell 'puter has crashed...the hard drive is on it's way out (I think) either that or it's the motherboard. Thank god for extended warranties. I'm supposed to be getting a new drive in a day or two but I've pretty much lost everything. I'm trying to recover some things but I dunno if I'll be able to or not. This probably means that I won't be able to recover the screensavers I made but I'll try. Right now I'm on my new 'puter that I made but this isn't much better till I get XP, Linux doesn't like my 'puter...crashes alot... Well...off to some frustrations...bye for now...
8/3/03 -
- Added the Goo Fans Screensaver under screensavers...check it out and let me know if it works. I'll be adding more soon...if my Dell doesn't crash on me. Having some problems with my hard drive... :(
7/31/03 -
- Pretty close to the last update here, the final update will be very soon. Most likely just adding the screensavers and maybe dismantling some pages. As for tonight I've added two new quotes (one Robby & one John, thanks to Sarah for that). Posted a bunch of news (final update there). Final song/video of the week. I'm thinking about taking that down in a week or so. Added the screenshot and description of my final layout under Behind the Layouts. One really cool pic has been added of the Goo's (thanks to Rocio for that!). That's about it. Hopefully I'll be able to post all the screensavers up in a day or two and then let you know when my final update will be. Shameless plug: My lil cousin's site dedicated to Jimmy Fallon.
7/27/03 -
- A brief update: I'm still working on trying to find a place to store my screensavers. Not having any luck with filesubmit.com. :( I probably won't be able to update tomorrow cause it's gonna be my 21st b-day...yay...I can buy booze! lol, j/k! Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday I'll be updating (may be the last time, either that or sometime the following week). Later!
7/24/03 -
- Ok, the screensaver has been created and uploaded but I'm using a new file storage place which says it can take up to 48 hrs until they get it up and running. Sorry guys but hopefully all the screensavers will now work instead of stupid angelfire constantly deleting them. Oh, if you're curious to see why I've been so busy you can take a look at a shot of my new 'puter I just built. ;)
7/23/03 -
- Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, been busy between working on my new computer, working, & trying to enjoy my vacation. Just saw Lewis Black (comedian) in Boston, he's sooooooo funny, lol! Anyway, I've added a new song/video of the week, one new Robby quote, and updated the news. I'm working on the screensaver with everyone's fav pics right now, hope to have it up sometime tomorrow.
7/15/03 -
- Sorry for not getting the layout up sooner but my brother's 18th birthday was yesterday as was this site's birthday, 3 years ago yesterday I opened it for Goo visitors. I've also been very busy working on my computer and running into technical issues like not being able to install Red Hat Linux because my motherboard doesn't support it, ahhhh!! Anyway, the last layout is up as you can see and I'll be working on more updates soon. Don't forget if you want to send me your two fav pics of the Goo's to include in my screensaver you can still do so (until the July 18th) here. Later!!
7/5/03 -
- Just an announcement: I had the best idea today. Since I'm closing my site down towards the end of this month I wanted to do something special for all my visitors and for Goo fans alike. My idea is to have anyone who is interested to submit a maximum of two of their favorite Goo pictures ( I don't want the screensaver to be too large of a file). I'll take submissions until July 18th. Then I'll compile a screensaver with everyone's favorite pics and post it on my website. If you want you can start e-mailing me now. Just send your pics to dutb@lycos.com.
7/4/03 -
- Happy 4th everyone! I've updated (finally, lol!) a bunch of stuff. Lots of news has been added, a new song/video of the week is up, added a new quote under John (thanks Asheton!), new and final site of the month is up, this months calendar has been added, and I've posted the current layout under behind the layouts. Hopefully I'll be adding the final layout within the coming week. Later... ;)
7/2/03 -
- Ahhhhhhh, I don't know when I'm gonna be able to update. Maybe tomorrow night if at all possible. Sorry for not letting you know sooner but I've been real busy. I'm finally starting to build my new computer (calling it Project K.A.C. - Kick Ass Computer, lol!). I am, however, working on my final layout for DUTB. Like I said, prob. tomorrow night I'll do some small updates...over and out... :)
6/20/03 -
- Two screensavers are currently working...the rest are unavailable for download, that's what stinks about not having your own domain! :(
6/18/03 -
- I've added a new song/video of the week, added 3 new wallpapers (1024 x 768) & 1 of the same under 800 x 600. Also posted a fair amount of news and fixed the screensavers section of my site. Shameless plug: Ever seen Mr. Bean before? I used to watch him when I was in my early teens. OMG, I forgot how funny he was! They have an animated series now. Here's a cute site with a bunch of nifty stuff!!
6/8/03 -
- New layout up. I added a new song/video of the week, a little news, a new site of the month, a new calendar, added another CD to my cd list (under designer), a screencap/explanation of the past layout (under behind the layouts), and a new award (thanks to I'm Addicted for that!). That's all for now. I plan on fixing the screensavers links soon before I close my site (probably soon after my 21st bday (July 28th)). Shameless plug: You gotta check
this site out...it's soooo funny. Just a bunch of audio clips from my fav movie Office Space. My fav clips are Stapler, Stop Going, Did You See The Memo, Case of the Mondays, and Paper Jam.
5/29/03 -
- I've added a new song/video of the week, posted some news, and added screencaps of the Sympathy video as well as a new wallpaper (1024 x 768). Shameless plug: check out this really nifty case I just bought over at xpcases.com. I'm gonna be building my own 'puter over the summer, gonna run Linux on it. ;)
5/28/03 -
- Man I really was gonna update tonight but I've kinda run out of time. I'm sooooo happy though, I checked my grades and I got an A- in Java, a B- in C/Linux, and a C in Calculus. Yay!! Ok, I will definately update tomorrow night guys! Also gonna be working on a new layout soon too. ;)
5/20/03 -
- I updated a little today. Just added some news (you'll wanna check that out, a video is in there...), also posted a new song/video of the week (might wanna check that out as well). That's all for now, I have a headache so that's why I haven't updated that much today. Maybe sometime this weekend I'll add some more wallpapers and buddy icons. Don't forget to watch the series finale of Buffy tonight (if you want to that is). Alright, I'm outta here...bye!
5/19/03 -
- Grrrr!!!! I was going to update this site tonight but I'm pretty much out of time. I worked 7.5 hrs today and I just finished updating my 3EB fanlisting, I'm exhausted. I'm guessing maybe sometime tomorrow I'll update this site. Don't forgot tomorrow night is the series finale of Buffy for all you fans out there. If you wanna catch it head on over to UPN @ 8 PM. Later!
5/14/03 -
- Not really an update, more of a post today. I'm busy getting ready for finals that's why I haven't updated recently. I'm probably gonna update this site during the weekend. As for now, why don't you go get the new Third Eye Blind CD, "Out of the Vein" which just came out yesterday. It rocks, not to mention there is a 25 minute DVD to go with it! :)
5/4/03 -
- New layout. So why am I doing a Buffy layout you may ask. Well, it's not so much a new layout as it is a tribute to the show. For seven years fans have grown with the characters. People may say that the show is all about violence and stupid monsters, demons, vampires, etc but it is more than just that. You need to look past that and observe the depth of the plots and characters. The show is about growing up, making difficult choices, dealing with heartache and death, it's also about happiness, joy, and love. It's about every emotion you deal with throughout your life. This show has provided more real life feelings than any reality show ever could. Sadly, it's coming to an end but if there's one thing I've learned from Buffy, it's change. Nothing can ever stay the same, and although sometimes you wish it would, it doesn't. For those of you who are Buffy fans, I've included some of my all time favorite quotes from the show on the splash page of my site. If I had to choose a favorite season I would probably choose season two (we see Buffy slowly start to grow into her adolescent years during this season). Some of my favorite episodes include Welcome to the Hellmouth, Angel, Prophecy Girl, Surprise, Passion, Becoming (Parts I & II), The Prom, Graduation Day (Parts I & II), Hush, and The Body. On May 20th it will be time to say goodbye to the wonderful characters that brought so much to the show and took viewers through a journey of life's lessons. Goodbye Buffy, Willow, Xander, Anya, and Giles. Your fans will miss you. (If you're curious about the show and want a synopisis, there are some really good articles here and here). Now for the updates: new song/video of the week, a new site of the month, new calendar, posted some news, posted the previous layout under behind the layouts, and I added four new pics under pics of me (they really are of my room with my Goo poster, lol!). That's all for now...
4/22/03 -
- Sorry for the lack of updates, things are really starting to pick up around here. I'm closing in on my sophomore year of college, working more hours now, and spring is finally here in the northeast so I'm spending more time outside and less time on the 'puter. Anyway, I've just added a ton of news, a new song/video of the week (definately check those out!), I added 2 new wallpapers (under 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600), I've also added 3 sorta new pics to the pic gallery. That's all for now, I'll probably be putting my new layout up sometime this coming weekend or the following weekend.
4/5/03 -
- New layout up as you can see! I also posted a new song/video of the week (definately check out the video, I can guarantee you'll like it!!), I added 5 new buddy icons, two new pics (one of mike and the other of an interview with him), the old layout is up under behind the layouts, and some news has been posted. It's hard to believe but I'm almost done with the next layout as well (it's been sooooo rainy here the past couple of days that I've been able to catch up on some stuff). FYI: This coming Wednesday marks the one year anniversary since Gutterflower was released (yay!).